Durre Shahwar and TV presenter Adeola Dewis in conversation about a book that brings together essays by women of colour across the UK writing about their relationships with nature, in a genre long-dominated by male, white, middle-class writers. In redressing this imbalance, this moving collection considers climate justice, neurodiversity, mental health, academia, inherited histories, colonialism, whiteness, music, hiking and so much more.
Durre Shahwar a’r cyflwynydd teledu Adeola Dewis bydd mewn sgwrs am lyfr sy’n cyfuno traethodau gan fenywod o liw ledled y DU yn ysgrifennu am eu perthnasau â natur, mewn genres sydd wedi cael eu dominyddio gan ysgrifenwyr gwyn, gwrywaidd ac o’r dosbarth canol. Drwy gywiro’r anghyfartaledd hwn, mae’r casgliad symudol hwn yn ystyried cyfiawnder hinsawdd, niwroamrywiaeth, iechyd meddwl, academia, hanesion etifeddol, ymerodraeth, gwynder, cerddoriaeth, heicio ac llawer mwy.