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Share your own big cat stories with Lesley!
Award-winning author Lesley Parr talks about Where the River Takes Us, an adventurous quest set in South Wales in 1974. She’ll share the inspiration behind the story, how she formed her characters and what it was like to send them on their journey to search for a mysterious wild cat!
Sunday Times Book of The Week 2023.
Where The River Takes us - A mysterious big cat is on the lose and Jason and his friends are determined to find it and claim a reward. Four best friends find themselves on a journey that will change each of them forever.
This thrilling middle-grade adventure is packed with irresistible characters and a page-turning plot. As well as talking about her book Lesley is interested in finding out about any big cat sightings in the Llandeilo area!
Her second book, When the War Came home was nominated for the Carnegie medal and was awarded Wales Children’s Book of the Year 2023, and all three of her novels have been CILIP Carnegie Medal nominated.
Lesley grew up in Port Talbot, South Wales and now lives in England with her husband and a cat. Apart from books, rugby union is her favourite thing in the world, especially if Wales are winning.
Being from a steel town, she is passionate about seeing more working-class voices and characters in fiction for children.
Rhannwch eich straeon cath fawr eich hun gyda Lesley!
Mae cath fawr ddirgel yn rhydd mewn cwm Cymreig …Bydd Lesley Parr yn rhannu'r ysbrydoliaeth y tu ôl i'w stori, sut y ffurfiodd ei chymeriadau a sut brofiad oedd eu hanfon ar eu taith i chwilio am Bwystfil Blaengarw!
Llyfr yr Wythnos y Sunday Times 2023.
‘Where The River Takes Us’ – mae cath mawr wedi dianc, a mae Jason a’i ffrindiau yn benderfynol o’i ffeindio a hawlio’r wobr. Mae 4 ffrind gorau ar siwrne a fydd yn newid eu bywydau am byth.
Mae’r llyfr antur hwn yn llawn cymeriadau anorchfygol a chynllwyn sydd yn gafael ar y ddychymyg. Yn ogystal a thrafod ei llyfr, mae gan Lesley ddiddordeb yn darganfod am unrhyw gathod mawr sydd wedi cael eu gweld yn ardal Llandeilo!
Fe gafodd yr ail lyfr a ysgrifennodd,sef When the War came Home, ei enwebu ar gyfer y fedal Carnegie,ac fe'i dyfarnwyd yn Wales Children's Book of the Year yn 2023,ac mae'r dair nofel a ysgrifennodd wedi ei henwebu ar gyfer y Fedal CILIP Carnegie.
Magwyd ym Mhort Talbot, De Cymru ac mae hi nawr yn byw yn Lloegr gyda’i gŵr a’i chath. Heblaw am llyfrau, rygbi’r undeb yw ei hoff beth yn y byd, yn enwedig pan mae Cymru yn ennill. Gan iddi ddeillio o dref dur, mae hi’n angerddol am weld mwy o leisiau a chymeriadau dosbarth gweithiol mewn ffuglen i blant.